Acquisition Financing | CTBC Bank

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Acquisition Financing

We help to make your next acquisition or expansion go smoothly

CTBC Bank provides flexible financing solutions for investors in stabilized apartment complexes, offices, retail, industrial, mixed-use, and most other types of income-producing properties.

We are a direct lender and can offer you a broad array of loan options to meet your financing needs. Our financing options include fixed-rate loans tied to the US Treasury Bill rate, as well as variable rate loans tied to the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate.

Other features include:

  • Fixed and variable rate financing options
  • Competitive pricing
  • Customized financing solutions

Refinancing of Existing Property

Owners of income-producing commercial properties have special financing requirements. CTBC Bank has a team of experienced commercial real estate loan officers with deep industry knowledge available to assist. We offer streamlined, low-cost commercial mortgages for customers who wish to refinance existing properties, including apartment buildings with five or more units, office, retail, industrial, and mixed-use properties.

We offer:

  • Fixed and variable rate financing options
  • Competitive pricing
  • Customized solutions
  • Personalized service

Bridge/Interim/Reposition Financing

Whether your requirements are simple or complex, CTBC Bank has the expert knowledge and experience to structure a loan product which will fund your project from start to finish. We can also customize bridge or short-term credit facilities to accommodate your property development needs.

We can help you with:

  • Short term bridge financing
  • Financing programs for property acquisition and rehabilitation
  • Repositioning of existing multi-family, retail, and office properties
  • Short-term variable rate financing as a bridge to a fixed rate mini-permanent loan

Do you need more information about

Acquisition Financing?

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我們為直接借款人,提供您一系統多樣貸款選項,滿足您的貸款需求。我們貸款選項包括:美國國庫券(US Treasury Bill)利率連動固定利率型貸款,以及與美國華爾街日報公佈的優惠貸款利率(Wall Street Journal Prime Rate )連動變動利率型貸款。

  • 固定利率與變動利率型貸款選項
  • 優惠利率
  • 客製化貸款方案




  • 固定或浮動利率貸款方案
  • 優惠利率
  • 客製化解決方案
  • 個人化服務




  • 短期過渡性貸款
  • 不動產收購與翻修貸款
  • 現有的多戶(multifamily)、零售與辦公室不動產(成屋)轉貸(repositioning)
  • 短期浮動利率貸款,以做為固定利率型長期貸款前置期(mini-permanent loan)的過渡性貸款






我们为直接借款人,提供您一系统多样贷款选项,满足您的贷款需求。 我们贷款选项包括:美国国库券(US Treasury Bill)利率连动固定利率型贷款,以及与美国华尔街日报公布的优惠贷款利率(Wall Street Journal Prime Rate )连动变动利率型贷款。

  • 固定利率与变动利率型贷款选项
  • 优惠利率
  • 定制化贷款方案


商业不动产所有人,需要特殊的贷款服务。 中国信托银行资深不动产贷款专员所组成的服务团队,以其专业的产业知识,协助您重新贷款需求。 我们提供流程化、低成本的商业用途抵押借款,满足希望以现有不动产重新贷款的客户。


  • 固定或浮动利率贷款方案
  • 优惠利率
  • 定制解决方案
  • 个性化服务


无论您的需求是简单或复杂,中国信托银行拥有专业知识与经验,能够建构出切合您需求的贷款产品。 从您构思计划的第一天,我们都将随时帮助您,直到计划实现的最后一天。 我们可提供定制化的过渡性信用贷款,提供您不动产增长需求。


  • 短期过渡性贷款
  • 不动产收购与翻修贷款
  • 现有的多户(multifamily)、零售与办公室不动产(成屋)转贷(repositioning)
  • 短期浮动利率贷款,以做为固定利率型长期贷款前置期(mini-permanent loan)的过渡性贷款



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