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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

CTBC Worldwide

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. (“CTBC Holding”) was established on May 17, 2002 and headquartered in Taipei Taiwan, with over 27,000 employees worldwide. CTBC Holding’s subsidiaries include banking, insurance, securities, securities investment trust, venture capital, asset management, security and Taiwan lottery. To date, CTBC Holding’s banking arm, CTBC Bank, has 150 domestic branches and 110 overseas outlets. We are a financial institution with the most extensive international network in Taiwan.

In order to provide customers with global and convenient financial services, CTBC Bank, a subsidiary of CTBC Holding, acquired the Tokyo Star Bank, Ltd. in 2014. This represents the first merger of a Japanese bank by a foreign-owned bank. In July 2017, CTBC Holding acquired a 35.6% stake of Thailand’s LH Financial Group PLC, which makes CTBC Bank the largest shareholder, along with the Land & Houses Group. To expand its scale in the insurance business, CTBC Holding acquired of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in 2015. Looking ahead, CTBC will continue to uphold its brand spirit of “We are family” with five core values of “Integrity, innovation, professionalism, teamwork and caring”; as well as the corporate mission of “Protect and Build” as we strive to create values for customers, shareholders, and the society. We aim to become “Taiwan Champion, Asia Leader”- a leading brand with the best corporate governance, and the most trusted financial institution by customers and shareholders.



為提供客戶全球性及更便利的金融服務,中國信託金控旗下子公司中國信託銀行於2014年收購日本東京之星銀行(The Tokyo Star Bank, Ltd.),為日本銀行首度被外資銀行併購的先例,並於2017年7月完成泰國 LH Financial Group Public Company Limited(簡稱「LHFG金融集團」)35.6%股權交割案,創下臺資銀行首宗參股泰國金融機構的紀錄。此外,為擴大保險事業規模,中信金控於2015年取得台灣人壽100%股權,未來將秉持「We are family」的品牌精神,以「誠信、創新、專業、團隊、關懷」的核心價值觀,「守護與創造」的企業使命,打造「臺灣第一、亞洲領先」的領導品牌,期許成為治理最佳、客戶與股東心目中最值得信賴的金融服務機構。


中国信托金融控股(股)公司成立于2002年5月17日,企业总部设于台湾台北市,全球员工人数超过27,000人,旗下子公司之营运业务涵盖:包括银行、保险、证券、投信、创投、资产管理、保全、彩券等业务。 中信金控主要子公司中信银行在台湾共有150家分行,110处海外分支机构,为台湾最国际化的金融机构。

为提供客户全球性及更便利的金融服务,中国信托金控旗下子公司中国信托银行于2014年收购日本东京之星银行(The Tokyo Star Bank, Ltd.),为日本银行首度被外资银行并购的先例,并于2017年7月完成泰国 LH Financial Group Public Company Limited(简称「LHFG金融集团」)35.6%股权交割案,创下台资银行首宗参股泰国金融机构的纪录。 此外,为扩大保险事业规模,中信金控于2015年取得台湾人寿100%股权,未来将秉持「We are family」的品牌精神,以「诚信、创新、专业、团队、关怀」的核心价值观,「守护与创造」的企业使命,打造「台湾第一、亚洲领先」的领导品牌,期许成为治理最佳、客户与股东心目中最值得信赖的金融服务机构。

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With 20 branches coast to coast in California, New Jersey, and New York, CTBC Bank is one of the first Asian American Banks to operate both in the Eastern and Western United States. CTBC Bank is committed to providing premier banking services to our communities. We care about the individual consumers in the community as well as the local merchants and business enterprises. From the issuance of Letters of Credit to real estate & construction loans, our highly professional staff will put forth our best effort to meet your every financial need.


中國信託銀行在美國東岸和西岸擁有20家分行, 從西岸加州到東岸紐澤西州和紐約州,為在美華資銀行提供跨州服務的銀行之一。 中國信託銀行致力於提供一流的銀行服務, 我們除了關心每一位客戶,更了解中小型企業的金融需求。我們提供全方位的金融服務,從房地產建設貸款到信用狀等,我們資深專業的理財人員將盡力滿足您各種金融需求。


中国信托银行在美国东岸和西岸拥有20家分行,从西岸加州到东岸新泽西州和纽约州,为在美华资银行提供跨州服务的银行之一。 中国信托银行致力于提供一流的银行服务, 我们除了关心每一位客户,更了解中小型企业的金融需求。 我们提供全方位的金融服务,从房地产建设贷款到信用状等,我们资深专业的理财人员将尽力满足您各种金融需求。

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