Personal Savings and CD Accounts | CTBC Bank

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Savings and CD Accounts

Let our accounts help you achieve your savings goals

Online Personal
Savings Account

A Savings account to grow your money faster.

1Enrollment in Online Banking offers eStatement and account information
2Requires CTBC Bank mobile app via Apple Store or Google Play

Online Personal CD Account

Like our Rate? Don't wait!




1Enrollment in Online Banking for account information

Not A CTBC Customer? 

Here are some tips for you to open your Online Personal CD account quickly.

  1. Open a CTBC Online Personal Checking account.
  2. Ensure that your funds are available in your CTBC Online Personal Checking account.  The full amount must be available at the time you start your Online Personal CD application.
  3. Complete the Online Personal CD application and transfer the funds from your CTBC Online Personal Checking account to your new Online Personal CD account.
  4. Enjoy the fixed interest rate.

Open a CTBC Online Personal Checking Account Contact Us

Ready to open an account today?

Open Account

Online Personal Savings Account FAQs

• Who will be qualified to open an account?
At this time, our online accounts are available exclusively to residents of Arizona, California, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Nevada and Washington.
• What is the minimum account balance to open my account?
The minimum account opening balance to open a CTBC Online Personal Savings Account is $250.00.
• Is there an account maintenance fee?
There is no account maintenance fee.
• Am I required to maintain a minimum balance?
There is no minimum balance requirement.
• How do I make a withdrawal from my Online Personal Savings Account?
• Visit a local CTBC branch
• Online funds transfer between your CTBC accounts
• Send a Wire Transfer (a service charge applies)
• How to add money to my Online Personal Savings Account?
• Visit a local CTBC branch
• Transfer money between your CTBC accounts.
• Use direct deposit to set up your paycheck or Social Security deposit
• Incoming Wire Transfer (a service charge applies)
• Deposit check(s) via CTBC mobile app
• Send a check by U.S. mail (we don’t accept cash). The check must be payable to you and endorsed with your name and indicate "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" and your account number. Mail to:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• How many withdrawals or transfers am I allowed?
The number of certain types of withdrawals and transfers from savings account is limited to a combined total of 6 per calendar month per account. If you exceed these transaction limitations during any calendar month, you will be charge $10 exceed transaction fee per debit. (Please refer to Fee of Schedule). If you exceed these limits on more than an occasional basis, we reserve the right to close your Account.
• What types of transactions count towards the six (6) withdrawals or transfer pre calendar month?

Below are the transactions that count towards the six (6) withdrawals or transfers per calendar month:

• ACH Transfers
• Wire Transfers (a service charge applies)
• Phone Transfers
• Online Transfers
• Transfers to repay loans at CTBC Bank

Note: The number of certain types of withdrawals and transfers from savings account is limited to a combined total of 6 per calendar month per account. If you exceed these transaction limitations during any calendar month, you will be charged $10 exceed transaction fee per debit. (Please refer to Schedule of Fees). If you exceed these limits on more than an occasional basis, we reserve the right to close your Account.

• What fees and service charges are associated with my Online Personal Savings account?
Please refer to the Schedule of Fees provided with the Truth in Savings Disclosures in your Welcome Package or contact Customer Service at 1-888-889-8369.
• How can I enroll to CTBC retail online banking?
Click here to access CTBC retail online banking enrollment page.
• How do I download CTBC Mobile App?
You can download CTBC Bank mobile banking app from Apple App Store or Google Play.
• How do I enroll to eStatement?
Please login to your CTBC retail online banking to update your Electronic statements under profile. If you have any technical questions, please contact Customer Support at 1-888-889-8369.
• What is the CTBC Bank Routing Number?
The CTBC Bank routing number is 1222-10406. It is used for electronic transfers made by ACH (including Direct Deposit) and for domestic wire transfers (from another financial institution within the U.S.).
• Is the Online Personal Savings Account FDIC-insured?
Yes. Funds on deposit at CTBC Bank are FDIC-insured up to maximum allowed by law.

Online Personal CD Account FAQs

• Who will be qualified to open an account?
At this time, our online accounts are available exclusively to residents of California, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Nevada, Washington and Arizona.
• What is the minimum account balance to open my account?
The minimum account opening balance to open a CTBC Online Personal CD Account is $5,000.
• How can I fund my Online Personal CD Account?
• Deposit at a local CTBC branch
• Phone Transfers for existing CTBC Bank customer.
• Send a check by U.S. mail (we don’t accept cash). The check must be payable to you and endorsed with your name and indicate "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" and your account number. Mail to:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• Can I make additional deposits to my CD?
Additional deposits cannot be made during the term of any CD. However, once your CD matures, you can deposit additional funds once during the grace period.
• Can I find my CD maturity date online?
Yes. Click here to log into your account. Once logged in, select your CD Account on the “Account Summary” page. Your maturity date will be displayed in the CD account details.
• What happens when my CD matures?

We will send you a notification 30 days before your CD matures. When your CD matures, you may make a deposit or withdrawal and change the term of your CD during the grace period. The grace period lasts for 10 days immediately following the maturity date. Your CD will automatically renew if you don't take any action during the grace period and interest withdrawn on the account will not affect the grace period. Any term change, deposit, or withdrawal of principal during the grace period will end the grace period. In some cases, the Early Withdrawal Penalty may reduce the principal in the CD.

• What fees and services charge are associated with my Online CD account?
Please refer to the Schedule of Fee provided with the Truth in Savings Disclosures in your Welcome Package or contact Customer Service at 1-888-889-8369.
• When will I start earning interest on new Online Personal CD Account?
Once an Account is opened, interest begins to accrue on a deposit on the Business Day we receive your deposit.
• How is interest on my Online Personal CD calculated?
Interesting is compounded daily and credited to your account monthly.
• Is the Online Personal CD Account FDIC-insured?
Yes. Funds on deposit at CTCB Bank are FDIC-insured up to maximum allowed by law.





2必須至Apple App Store 或 Google Play下載中國信託行動銀行App。








  1. 首先開設一個網路個人支票帳戶
  2. 完成開戶後,先將資金存入您的網路個人支票帳戶中。
  3. 確定資金已存入您的網路個人支票帳戶後,您即可開設網路個人定存帳戶,透過帳戶轉帳功能將資金從網路個人支票帳戶轉入網路個人定存帳戶
  4. 完成開戶手續,享有每月的利息收入。

開設網路個人支票帳戶 聯絡我們




• 誰符合開戶資格?
• 開戶的最低金額是多少?
開設中國信託網路個人儲蓄帳戶的最低金額為 $250.00。
• 請問有帳戶管理費嗎?
• 需要維持最低帳戶餘額嗎?
• 如何提領/使用帳戶中的存款?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 中國信託銀行網路銀行帳戶內轉帳
• 電匯 (將收取手續費)
• 如何存款至我的網路個人儲蓄帳戶?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 中國信託銀行帳戶內轉帳
• 申請 direct deposit 將您每月薪資或社安金存入您的支票帳戶
• 電匯 (將收取手續費)
• 手機支票存款 中國信託行動銀行
• 郵寄支票 (請勿寄現金) 並在支票背面簽名並填寫 "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" 及您的帳戶號碼. 請將支票寄到以下地址:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• 網路個人儲蓄帳戶交易限制?
儲蓄帳戶某些類型的存款和取款次數限制為每個月每個帳戶總共6次。如果您每月超過這些交易限制次數,您將被收取每筆 10 美元的交易費用。(請參閱Fee of Schedule) 如果您連續超過每月使用限制,我們保留關閉您的帳戶的權利。
• 哪些交易屬於每月6次的交易限制?

• ACH 轉帳
• 電匯 (將收取手續費)
• 電話轉帳
• 網上轉帳
• 繳付中國信託銀行房屋貸款
注意:從儲蓄帳戶取款和存款的某些交易類型的數量限制為每個帳戶每月總共6次。如果您在任何日曆月中超過這些交易限制,您將被收取每筆10 美元的交易費用。(請參閱Fee of Schedule) 如果您連續超過每月使用限制,我們保留關閉您的帳戶的權利。

• 個人儲蓄帳戶有哪些手續費?
  請參閱開戶歡迎郵件中Schedule of Fee Truth in Savings Disclosures 或致電客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 如何註冊網路銀行?
• 如何下載中國信託行動銀行App?
您可透過 Apple App Store or Google Play 下在中國信託銀行行動銀行 app。
• 如何註冊電子對帳單?
登入您中國信託網路銀行,並至您的個人資料頁面(Profile)更新您的電子對帳單選項。如果您有任何問題,請致電客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 中國信託銀行的路由號碼 (Routing Number)為?
中國信託銀行的路由號碼為 1222-10406. 此號碼可使用在ACH (包含 Direct Deposit) 及美國國內的電匯。
• 請問個人儲蓄帳戶是聯邦存款保險公司所保障的嗎?


• 誰符合開戶資格?
• 開戶的最低金額是多少?
開設中國信託網路個人定存帳戶的最低金額為 $5,000.00。
• 如何存款至網路個人定存帳戶?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 電話轉帳 (適用於中國信託銀行既有客戶)
• 郵寄支票 (請勿寄現金) 並在支票背面簽名並填寫 "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" 及您的帳戶號碼. 請將支票寄到以下地址:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• 定存帳戶開戶後,可以存入更多存款嗎?
• 網路銀行有提供定存到期日期嗎?
有的。登入您的網路銀行帳戶。登入後,在Account Summary頁面上選擇您的定存帳戶。您的定存到期日期將顯示在帳戶詳細資訊中。
• 定存帳戶到期?


• 定存帳戶將收取那些手續費?
請參閱開戶歡迎郵件中Schedule of Fee Truth in Savings Disclosures 或致電客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 定存帳戶利息從何時開始計算?
• 定存帳戶利息是如何計算的?
• 請問網路個人定存帳戶是聯邦存款保險公司所保障的嗎?





2必须至Apple App Store 或Google Play下载中国信托行动银行App。



  • 享有固定利息收入(利息)
  • 网络银行1





没关系! 以下为开户小叮咛,帮助您快速完成定存开户:

  1. 首先开设一个网络个人支票账户 。
  2. 完成开户后,先将资金存入您的网络个人支票账户中。
  3. 确定资金已存入您的网络个人支票账户后,您即可开设网络个人定存账户,透过账户转账功能将资金从网络个人支票账户转入网络个人定存账户
  4. 完成开户手续,享有每月的利息收入。

开设网络个人支票账户 联络我们




• 谁符合开户资格?
• 开户的最低金额是多少?
开设中国信托网络个人储蓄账户的最低金额为 $250.00。
• 请问有账户管理费吗?
• 需要维持最低账户余额吗?
• 如何提领/使用账户中的存款?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 中国信托银行网络银行账户内转账
• 电汇 (将收取手续费)
• 如何存款至我的网络个人储蓄账户?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 中国信托银行账户内转账
• 申请direct deposit将您每月薪资或社安金存入您的支票账户
• 电汇 (将收取手续费)
• 手机支票存款 中国信托行动银行
• 邮寄支票 (请勿寄现金) 并在支票背面签名并填写 "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" 及您的账户号码. 请将支票寄到以下地址:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• 储蓄账户交易限制?
储蓄账户某些类型的存款和取款次数限制为每个月每个账户总共6次。 如果您每月超过这些交易限制次数,您将被收取每笔10美元的交易费用。(请参阅Fee of Schedule) 如果您连续超过每月使用限制,我们保留关闭您的帐户的权利。
• 哪些交易属于每月6次的交易限制?

• ACH 转账
• 电汇 (将收取手续费)
• 电话转账
• 网上转账
• 缴付中国信托银行房屋贷款
注意:从储蓄账户取款和存款的某些交易类型的数量限制为每个账户每月总共6次。 如果您在任何日历月中超过这些交易限制,您将被收取每笔10美元的交易费用。(请参阅Fee of Schedule) 如果您连续超过每月使用限制,我们保留关闭您的帐户的权利。

• 网络个人储蓄账户有哪些手续费?
请参阅开户欢迎邮件中 Schedule of Fee Truth in Savings Disclosures 或致电客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 如何注册网络银行?
• 如何下载中国信托行动银行App?
您可透过 Apple App Store or Google Play下在中国信托银行行动银行 app。
• 如何注册电子对账单?
登录您中国信托网络银行,并至您的个人数据页面 (Profile) 更新您的电子对账单选项。 如果您有任何问题,请致电客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 中国信托银行的路由号码 (Routing Number)为?
中国信托银行的路由号码为 1222-10406. 此号码可使用在ACH(包含 Direct Deposit) 及美国国内的电汇。
• 请问网络个人储蓄账户是联邦存款保险公司所保障的吗?


• 谁符合开户资格?
• 开户的最低金额是多少?
• 如何存款至网络个人定存账户?
• 可至您最近的分行
• 电话转账 (适用于中国信托银行既有客户)
• 邮寄支票 (请勿寄现金) 并在支票背面签名并填写 "For Deposit Only to CTBC Bank" 及您的账户号码,请将支票寄到以下地址:
        CTBC Bank – VB Customer Support
        56 E. Duarte Rd. Unit 108
        Arcadia, CA 91006
• 定存账户开户后,可以存入更多存款吗?
• 网络银行有提供定存到期日期吗?

有的。登入您的网络银行帐户。登录后,在Account Summary页面上选择您的定存帐户,您的定存到期日期将显示在账户详细信息中。

• 定存账户到期?


• 定存账户将收取那些手续费?
请参阅开户欢迎邮件中 Schedule of Fee Truth in Savings Disclosures 或致电客服中心 1-888-889-8369。
• 定存账户利息从何时开始计算?
• 定存账户利息是如何计算的?
• 请问网络个人定存账户是联邦存款保险公司所保障的吗?

Personalization Settings


We would like to personalize your banking experience. Please enter your first name below.

This level of personalization will not lead to the sale of your name or leak your identity. The information you provide will only be stored on your computer and will not be transferred to any other source.

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