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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

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Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

NameBank NameBank RateBank FormulaCompetitor 1 NameCompetitor 1 RateCompetitor 1 FormulaCompetitor 2 NameCompetitor 2 RateCompetitor 2 FormulaCompetitor 3 NameCompetitor 3 RateCompetitor 3 FormulaCompetitor 4 NameCompetitor 4 RateCompetitor 4 FormulaNumber of times interest in compounded in yearInitial DepositTerm in yearsDisclaimer
6 month CTBC 4.00% (R*(1+(C/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(F/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(I/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(L/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(O/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R 1 $5,000.00 1

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 09/24/2024. Minimum opening balance is $5,000. Account is subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. APY is subject to change without notice. To receive the APY, account must be opened online. The APY will be based on the date the CD is funded, which may be different from the application date. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our account disclosures for more details.

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。開戶最低金額為$5,000。提前關閉帳⼾將有所罰款,帳⼾⼿續費可能會減少利息所得。利率可能會改變,將不另⾏通知。獲得此利率,帳戶必須在網上開戶。利率將會以資金轉入帳戶當天為準,利率可能與開戶當天不同。詳情請參閱帳⼾披露了解更多細節,條款及細則約束。

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/25/2024起有效。开户最低金额为$5,000。提前关闭帐⼾将有所罚款,帐⼾⼿续费可能会减少利息所得。利率可能会改变,将不另⾏通知。获得此利率,帐户必须在网上开户。利率将会以资金转入帐户当天为准,利率可能与开户当天不同。详情请参阅帐⼾披露了解更多细节,条款及细则约束。

9 month CTBC 3.75% (R*(1+(C/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(F/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(I/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(L/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(O/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R 1 $5,000.00 1

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 09/24/2024. Minimum opening balance is $5,000. Account is subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. APY is subject to change without notice. To receive the APY, account must be opened online. The APY will be based on the date the CD is funded, which may be different from the application date. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our account disclosures for more details.

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。開戶最低金額為$5,000。提前關閉帳⼾將有所罰款,帳⼾⼿續費可能會減少利息所得。利率可能會改變,將不另⾏通知。獲得此利率,帳戶必須在網上開戶。利率將會以資金轉入帳戶當天為準,利率可能與開戶當天不同。詳情請參閱帳⼾披露了解更多細節,條款及細則約束。

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。开户最低金额为$5,000。提前关闭帐⼾将有所罚款,帐⼾⼿续费可能会减少利息所得。利率可能会改变,将不另⾏通知。获得此利率,帐户必须在网上开户。利率将会以资金转入帐户当天为准,利率可能与开户当天不同。详情请参阅帐⼾披露了解更多细节,条款及细则约束。

12 month Promo CTBC 3.50% (R*(1+(C/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(F/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(I/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(L/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(O/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R 1 $5,000.00 1

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 09/24/2024. Minimum opening balance is $5,000. Account is subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. APY is subject to change without notice. To receive the APY, account must be opened online. The APY will be based on the date the CD is funded, which may be different from the application date. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our account disclosures for more details.

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。開戶最低金額為$5,000。提前關閉帳⼾將有所罰款,帳⼾⼿續費可能會減少利息所得。利率可能會改變,將不另⾏通知。獲得此利率,帳戶必須在網上開戶。利率將會以資金轉入帳戶當天為準,利率可能與開戶當天不同。詳情請參閱帳⼾披露了解更多細節,條款及細則約束。

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。开户最低金额为$5,000。提前关闭帐⼾将有所罚款,帐⼾⼿续费可能会减少利息所得。利率可能会改变,将不另⾏通知。获得此利率,帐户必须在网上开户。利率将会以资金转入帐户当天为准,利率可能与开户当天不同。详情请参阅帐⼾披露了解更多细节,条款及细则约束。

12 month CTBC 0.40% (R*(1+(C/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(F/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(I/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(L/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(O/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R 1 $5,000.00 1

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 09/24/2024. Minimum opening balance is $5,000. Account is subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. APY is subject to change without notice. To receive the APY, account must be opened online. The APY will be based on the date the CD is funded, which may be different from the application date. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our account disclosures for more details.

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。開戶最低金額為$5,000。提前關閉帳⼾將有所罰款,帳⼾⼿續費可能會減少利息所得。利率可能會改變,將不另⾏通知。獲得此利率,帳戶必須在網上開戶。利率將會以資金轉入帳戶當天為準,利率可能與開戶當天不同。詳情請參閱帳⼾披露了解更多細節,條款及細則約束。

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。开户最低金额为$5,000。提前关闭帐⼾将有所罚款,帐⼾⼿续费可能会减少利息所得。利率可能会改变,将不另⾏通知。获得此利率,帐户必须在网上开户。利率将会以资金转入帐户当天为准,利率可能与开户当天不同。详情请参阅帐⼾披露了解更多细节,条款及细则约束。

2 year CTBC 0.50% (R*(1+(C/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(F/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(I/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(L/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R     (R*(1+(O/100)/Q)**(S*Q))-R 1 $5,000.00 0.75

*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 09/24/2024. Minimum opening balance is $5,000. Account is subject to early withdrawal penalty. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. APY is subject to change without notice. To receive the APY, account must be opened online. The APY will be based on the date the CD is funded, which may be different from the application date. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see our account disclosures for more details.

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。開戶最低金額為$5,000。提前關閉帳⼾將有所罰款,帳⼾⼿續費可能會減少利息所得。利率可能會改變,將不另⾏通知。獲得此利率,帳戶必須在網上開戶。利率將會以資金轉入帳戶當天為準,利率可能與開戶當天不同。詳情請參閱帳⼾披露了解更多細節,條款及細則約束。

*Annual Percentage Yield(APY)自09/24/2024起有效。开户最低金额为$5,000。提前关闭帐⼾将有所罚款,帐⼾⼿续费可能会减少利息所得。利率可能会改变,将不另⾏通知。获得此利率,帐户必须在网上开户。利率将会以资金转入帐户当天为准,利率可能与开户当天不同。详情请参阅帐⼾披露了解更多细节,条款及细则约束。

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